Good Food Good Body

Ways To Use Tupelo Honey Without Cooking Or Heating It

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Tupelo honey is a special kind of honey known for its health benefits. A lot of those benefits come from pollen and various enzymes in the honey, which can be destroyed if the honey is heated. Therefore, if you want to get the most out of your tupelo honey, you really do want to use it raw. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways to do that. Here are some fun and tasty ideas to get you started.…

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The Benefits of a Nutrition Coaching Program for Runners

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As a runner, you put your body through more than the average person. Of course, this has a number of benefits, both for your mental health and for your physical health. However, it is important to continue caring for your body to ensure it has the resources and support it needs to keep running, and also to keep recovering from your runs. One way to do that is by enrolling in a nutritional coaching program.…

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When Is A Caffeine Free Gel A Better Choice?

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If you run long distances, you likely use energy gels to help fuel your runs. They certainly are a convenient way to take in calories while on-the-go. But as you go about choosing gels, you’ll notice that some contain caffeine and others do not. Some runners swear by caffeinated energy gels and primarily use them when racing and training. However, there are plenty of instances in which caffeinated gels are not called for, and you’d better off with a caffeine-free gel.…

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